Dbase table
Here are our handpicked suggestions for 'dbase table'. Our editors have chosen several links from digitalpreservation.gov and webhelp.esri.com. Additionally, you can browse 7 more links that might be useful for you.
Dbase.com picks
Site rating:Report as not relevantBeginners’ Corner — Part 2: The dBASE Tables http://www.dbase.com/Knowledgebase/dbulletin/bu12ce02.htm
Beginners’ Corner — Part 2 The dBASE Tables (or how to create a table, entering, viewing and indexing data) by Jean-Pierre Martel,...
More featured picks
Site rating:Report as not relevantdBASE Table File Format (DBF) http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/formats/fdd/fdd000325.shtml
Format Description for DBF -- File format used originally by the dBASE database management system to store tables of data and late...
Site rating:Report as not relevantCreating new shapefiles and dBASE tables - Esri http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Creating_new_shapefiles_and_dBASE_tables
About creating new shapefiles and dBASE tables. You can create new shapefiles and dBASE tables in ArcCatalog. When you create a ne...
Safe ‘dbase table’ pages from the web
ArcGIS Desktop Help 9.3 - About shapefiles, dBASE tables ... http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=About_shapefiles,_dBASE_tables,_and_file_types
Shapefiles are a simple, nontopological format for storing the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features...
dBase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dbase
dBase (also stylized dBASE) was one of the first database management systems for microcomputers, and the most successful in its da...
CREATE TABLE - dBase http://www.dbase.com/help/Local_SQL/IDH_LSQL_CREATETABLE.htm
CREATE TABLE. Topic group Related topics Example. ... Create a FoxPro, Paradox or dBASE table using local SQL by specifying the fi...
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile (DBF) http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/formats/fdd/fdd000326.shtml
Format Description for Shape_DBF -- dBase table file for the ESRI Shapefile format, used to store feature attributes.
Desktop Help 10.0 - Table to dBASE (Conversion) http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/0012/00120000001t000000.htm
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that converts one or more tables to dBASE tables in an output folder.
Table To dBASE—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/desktop/latest/tools/conversion-toolbox/table-to-dbase.htm
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that converts one or more tables to dBASE tables in an output folder.
dBASE and me: Accessing dBASE tables with MS SQL http://blog.dbase.integralwebsolutions.co.za/2008/10/accessing-dbase-tables-with-ms-sql.html
For years the dBASE (dbf) table format had been very popular to store data in. Many third party applications included ways to impo...
Featured titles for the dbase table were carefully selected by our editors. We suggest starting your further study with these links.
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