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Home | Frank DENIS random thoughts.
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Performance of WebAssembly runtimes in 2023 | Frank DENIS random thoughts.
Frank DENIS random thoughts. Using libsodium in a web browser has been possible since 2013, thanks to the excellent Emscripten project. Since then, WebAssembly was introduced. A more efficient way to ...
LLVM performance improvements for WebAssembly | Frank DENIS random thoughts.
Frank DENIS random thoughts. WebAssembly has been an LLVM target for a long time. Every release of LLVM brings regressions, but also new optimization passes that can affect WebAssembly. But WebAssembl...
Benchmark of WebAssembly runtimes - 2021 Q1 | Frank DENIS random thoughts.
InNative: no WASI support imported function wasi_snapshot_preview1.poll_oneoff is required All of these were compiled from their git code on 02/21/2021, in release mode, with the exception of NodeJS, ...
Compiling C to WebAssembly using clang/LLVM and WASI. | Frank DENIS random thoughts.
Frank DENIS random thoughts. Compiling C to WebAssembly using clang/LLVM and WASI. LLVM 8 has recently been released, with quite a few significant changes and improvements. One of them being that the ...
Stop using ridiculously low DNS TTLs | Frank DENIS random thoughts.
Frank DENIS random thoughts. Stop using ridiculously low DNS TTLs DNS latency is a key component to having a good online experience. And in order to minimize DNS latency, carefully picking DNS servers...