Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Court Services | 13th Judicial District, KS
General Information Court Services is responsible for the supervision of both juvenile and adult offenders in the 13th Judicial District (Butler, Elk and Greenwood Counties). Court Service Officers al...
Greenwood County | 13th Judicial District, KS
Greenwood County The Greenwood County Court Clerk's Office will be accessible to the public with the following rules in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Visitors Visitors seeking business at the c...
Butler County | 13th Judicial District, KS
Visitors Please enter the judicial center from the north side. When you enter the judicial center, you will be asked to scan your wrist to check your temperature and use the kiosk to answer five COVI...
Court Administration | 13th Judicial District, KS
Find more information about Court Administration.
Staff Directory • 13th Judicial District, KS • CivicEngage
Enter search terms to display a list of entries in the Staff Directory. JavaScript is required, and must be turned on, for a listing to appear on this Directory entry page. We apologize for any in...
Jury Duty (Butler County) | 13th Judicial District, KS
Learn about jury duty in Butler County.