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ASCILITE 2017 – Hosted by the University of Southern Queensland
-1 USQ is particularly excited to be hosting ASCILITE 2017 because it coincides with USQ’s 50/25 celebrations in which USQ celebrates 50 years as an educational institution and 25 years as a universit...
Call for Participation – ASCILITE 2017
library and information studies. The conference also attracts participants with interests in the transition from vocational education, secondary education and correctional education, to tertiary educa...
Conference Proceedings – ASCILITE 2017
Papers from the conference are available in two ways: Individual papers are linked from the page for each of the full and concise paper sessions, allowing you to download just the papers you are inter...
Framing the digitally capable university: Digital literacies as shared scholarly and professional
Stream 6 Abstract The proliferation of “literacies” in educational discourse reflect a diverse array of interests, encompassing computer, information, technical, media literacies, and also forms like ...
The ASCILITE Community Mentoring Program: Building capacity in technology enhanced teaching and
Stream 4 Abstract Every year, mentors and mentees from a diversity of higher education institutions across Australia and New Zealand come together in formal mentoring arrangements under the auspices o...
Conference Program – ASCILITE 2017
Courtyard Three post conference workshops will run on Thursday 7 December. Please note these are not included in the conference registration. Separate registration is required. More information about ...