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2.Dh5 | Festival voor wereldversleutelaars
Het jaarlijkse 2.Dh5 festival keert terug naar Amsterdam voor haar zeventiende editie van 24 tot 26 27 februari 2023 met workshops en discussies over grassroots campagnes, tactieken en actiemethodes.
About 2.Dh5 | 2.Dh5
The 2.Dh5 Festival for world changers is a place to discuss grass-roots campaigns, tactics and methods that move us closer towards our ideal of a society based…
International Solidarity – 2.Dh5 Festival 2024 in Amsterdam | 2.Dh5
The yearly 2.Dh5 festival returns to Ru Paré in Amsterdam for its eighteenth edition from February 23th to 25th 2024. 2.Dh5 is an annual festival for the…
Practical information | 2.Dh5
This year 2.Dh5 will be held at Ru Paré in Amsterdam. Ru Paré Huis van de wijk Slotervaart Chris Lebeaustraat 4 1062 DC Amsterdam By public transport Ru Paré is…
2.Dh5 | Festival for world changers
The yearly 2.Dh5 festival is coming back to Amsterdam for its sixteenth edition on February 26th & 27th 2022 for the exchange of radical ideas, strategies and practices by grassroots campaigns, collec...
Opening 2.Dh5 Festival – 2.Dh5 | 2.Dh5
Sat 25 Feb, 2023 : 09:30 – 09:45 |