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3 Little Birds Stitch Co.: Blocks 3 and 4
August has this little teapot toy that she got for Christmas and she loves it. She loves the songs that it plays and "dances" to it. So I ha...
3 Little Birds Stitch Co.: Almost 1
In less than a month my sweet, little baby girl is going to be ONE! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. I have started plannin...
3 Little Birds Stitch Co.: The Second Annual $5 Challenge
I didn't participate last year in Living with Lindsay's $5 Challenge but it sounded like fun so I decided to give it a shot. Here is what ...
3 Little Birds Stitch Co.: Things I am scared of today
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3 Little Birds Stitch Co.: KCWC Day 1 and 2
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3 Little Birds Stitch Co.: Using what you have
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