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History | 99plus1 Ministries
Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 99 Plus 1 Ministries is a 501(c) (3) non-profit Christian organization located in San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. Our heart is the discipleship and tra...
Ministries | 99plus1 Ministries
Our Ministries The Mission House The Mission House is our facility for short-term missions teams from churches and other groups. The purpose of the Mission House is to receive teams from around the wo...
Give | 99plus1 Ministries
Partner With Us Your support helps the ministry reach the people of San Felipe. None of this would be possible without your prayers, your support and your encouragement. Your donation can be used ex...
Mission House | 99plus1 Ministries
Hosting Teams A short-term mission trip is defined as a group of people sent out to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a particular region. Accomplished through the preaching and teaching of God’s Wo...
Events Page | 99plus1 Ministries
Book Us | 99plus1 Ministries
top of page Book Us We believe that our mission base is more than just a location; it's a place where you can deepen your relationship with God, connect with others, and leave feeling inspired and ren...