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ABC Global Alliance
The International Consensus Conference for Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) has established itself as a major international breast cancer conference. Its primary aim is the development of international co...
Introduction - ABC Global Alliance
ABC Global Alliance The ABC Global Alliance, established in 2016 as an initiative of the European School of Oncology and now registered as a non-profit association in Portugal, is a multi-stakeho...
ABC Guidelines - ABC Global Alliance
ABC GUIDELINES Copy: ABC Guidelines The ABC guidelines are based on the most up-to-date evidence and can be used and adapted to guide treatment decisions in many different healthcare settings globally...
Campaigns - ABC Global Alliance
ABC Global Alliance What’s it like to live with advanced breast cancer? Watch as real women with advanced breast cancer (ABC) tell their stories and shed light on the current gaps in ABC care. Worki...
ABC Award - ABC Global Alliance
ABC Award ABC Award The ABC Award is aimed at recognising a researcher, physician, nurse, patient advocate, or organisation that has made an outstanding and impacting contribution in the field of adva...
About ABC7 - ABC Global Alliance
About ABC7 @ABCGlobalAll on Twitter and Facebook. On LinkedIn, use @ABC-Global-Alliance. The conference hashtag is #ABCLisbon. ABC2 (November 2013) by more than 1,000 participants from 71 count...