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About Us | Absolutely Fish
About Us Absolutely Fish is one of the largest retail fish stores in the state of New Jersey. We house over 9,000 gallons of marine fish and invertebrates, as well as 5,000 gallons of freshwater fish ...
5 Nano Reef Fish | Absolutely Fish
By: Chris Fong As the hobby continues to evolve with advancements in technology ever growing nano reefs are becoming more and more popular. These setups are attractive towards most peo...
Todd’s Top 5 Predatory Fish for a Marine Aquarium | Absolutely Fish
Todd’s Top 5 Predatory Fish for a Marine Aquarium What do you think of when you hear the word predatory? First thing in my mind, is a great white shark or an apex predator hunting its food source, but...
Photo Gallery | Absolutely Fish
Clifton, NJ 07013
Freshwater Nano Fish | Absolutely Fish
Freshwater Nano Fish Nano aquariums have been popular for quite some time. They can light up a desk or kitchen counter top and can easily be the center of attention in any room. These sm...
Marine Fish | Absolutely Fish
LOOKING TO BUY SALT WATER AQUARIUM FISH IN NEW JERSEY? A list of suitable salt water aquarium fish can be quite long. There are many species of marine aquarium fish available from all taxonomic famil...