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Competition Schedule
Competition Schedule COUNTDOWN TO THE WORLD GAMES Follow Looking for an Athlete? There are 7,000+ athletes...
Special Olympics World Games 2019
Abu Dhabi will host the World Games from March 8 to 22, 2019. The UAE’s capital will stage the most unified Special Olympics World Games in the history of the Special Olympics.
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Get all the latest news and press releases from the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 right here.
Who We Are
The Special Olympics World Games 2019 will be hosted in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in March 2019 for the first time in the Middle East North Africa since the movement’s founding over 50 years ago...
SPORTS COUNTDOWN TO THE WORLD GAMES Follow Sports In the Special Olympics World Games Abu...
SO France
SO France Keep up-to-date on all of the information about the Special Olympics World Games Thanks for signing up to learn more about the 2019 Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi! Email: