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Freelance Academic Writing Jobs - Academic Minds
Become a new freelance writer or tutor with Academic Minds. Freelance writing and tutoring work for Undergraduate, Masters or PhD holders, lecturers and career professionals.
How it works - Academic Minds
We have a rigorous application process in place to ensure we hire competent and accomplished freelance writers, editors, markers and tutors.
About us - Academic Minds
Academic Minds is the UK’s leading freelance writing agency and the most-trusted provider of private education having helped over 16,000 students to date.
Our academics - Academic Minds
Academic Minds offers flexible, highly paid and convenient work for graduates and post-graduates. Learn more about the benefits of freelance writing.
Who we are looking for - Academic Minds
Enjoy a flexible, highly paid writing career that rewards your academic expertise. Discover freelance writing now.
stats - Academic Minds
Become a new freelance writer or tutor with Academic Minds. Freelance writing and tutoring opportunities for undergraduate, Masters or PhD holders, lecturers and career professionals.