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Accelerate 3 – Triathlon Coaching
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Safety Training – Accelerate 3
I had to take driver safety training this evening. It’s an online thing that my company asked me in their best “would you mind doing this so we don’t have to boot your ass to the curb?” voice. It’s de...
A Return to Fitness – The How to Guide – Accelerate 3
As I heal up and ponder a return to training and who know’s, maybe even racing, this provides an opportunity for me to write about what’s it’s like to come back from a serious injury. Not the rehab pa...
It’s next year – Accelerate 3
Many people still have not sat down and thought about what needs to be done to go faster in 2010. Do I need to swim more, bike more or run more? Where am I weak compared to my competitors? Do I need m...
AeroCamp – Accelerate 3
Are high hands really faster? What helmet should I use? At AeroCamp we answer these questions and more utilizing the wind tunnel. We optimize your position so you go faster on less watts leaving more ...
IM Florida – Accelerate 3
It’s barely over and already people are whining about drafting. Look folks, drafting happens, it’s an accepted practice at all the big IM events. Some people will get dinged sure, but lets face it, t...