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Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine
ACPSEM; Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine; medical physics Australia, Medial physics New Zealand; Medical Physics Asia; Medical Physics association, physical scient...
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Registration The ACPSEM Register of Qualified Medical Physics Specialists and Radiopharmaceutical Scientists ( The Register) is the ACPSEM's official record of those specialists in Medical Physics and...
How To Apply
How To Apply It is highly recommended that you read all policies and procedures pertaining to the TEAP program in order to familiarise yourself with the enrolment and entry requirements for the specia...
Apply for Registration
Apply for Registration The ACPSEM Register of Qualified Medical Physics Specialists and Radiopharmaceutical Scientists (The Register) is a publicly accessible register of individuals who have demonstr...
Certification and Training Programs
Certification and Training Programs ACPSEM is responsible for formal certification of medical physicists and radiopharmaceutical scientists in Australia and New Zealand. The College has established ex...