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Popular pages
The Route – Across Utah!
The Across Utah Route is not real. It's not real in the sense that it is not an established route like the John Muir Trail or the Appalachian Trail. Instead, it's just a personal passion of mine. A...
About Me – Across Utah!
I am Jamal David Green and I currently live in Los Angeles, CA. I'm originally from St. Joseph, Missouri -- "where the Pony Express began and Jesse James ended" as it used to say on the welcome sig...
Videos – Across Utah!
April 12, 2023Videos Here’s the second video from my Paria Plateau Loop Hike. It features hiking down the narrows of Paria Canyon and visiting a few diversions along the way. It’s the second time I’ve...
Across Utah! Master Map
2012 Bryce to Little Death Hollow 2013 Boulder Mt. to Moab 2015 Zion to Capitol Reef 2018 Zion to Arches 2022 Zion to Green River 2023 Grand Escalante Loop
Master Map – Across Utah!
My Master Map is where I compile all the beta (ie routes, points of interest, etc.) from my hikes along with optional layers for additional reference. Nearly everything on the map is clickable yie...
Updated Maps! – Across Utah!
One possible silver lining to not taking a spring hike this year was that I got to spend some time updating my site. The latest improvement which has actually been a long time in the making... upda...