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Pennsylvania: #1 In All The Wrong Things
Pennsylvania is #1 for pollution, environmental racism, and corruption. Rankings of Pennsylvania's worst attributes.
ActionPA: Activism Training Materials & Resources
Rights to Petition in Private Malls and Quasi-Public Places: In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a California case (Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins) involving tabling in a private mall, and r...
Pennsylvania is a Leader in Prisons
Pennsylvania is a Leader in Prisons Total Number of Federal Prisons Currently Operating in U.S = 98 Pennsylvania is #2 in the number of federal prisons in a state (tied with Florida). States with Most...
Pennsylvania's Dirty Energy Legacy -- Why we need a Clean Energy Portfolio Standard
For general environmental ranking information on Pennsylvania, see our Pennsylvania is the nation's largest exporter of electricity, suffering disproportionate environmental damage by generating far ...
Pennsylvania: A Leader in Toxic Releases
Coal & Oil Electric Utilities Are Major Polluters 1998's Toxic Release Inventory was the first set of data available on toxic emissions from coal and oil burning electric utilities. Nationwide, the...
Is Your Drinking Water Fluoridated?
Is Your Drinking Water Fluoridated? 9% of the water systems in the state are exposing 52% of Pennsylvania residents to fluoride 52% of Pennsylvanians (5.48 million people) have fluoride in their drink...