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Active Florida Realty
Activate Florida Real Estate License, No MLS FEES, NO REALTOR FEE, BROKER NO REALTOR
About Us | Active Florida Realty
Your broker will also provide online training, along with other real estate professionals, to keep you up to date and help you sell. At registration, you will receive your broker's cell phone number f...
Active Florida Realty
Now there is a real and effective way to have an ACTIVE LiCENSE without paying BOARD/MLS FEES. and sell properties listed on the MLS.Join online Now Save Money Make Money Transferred or Activated o...
Join Now | Active Florida Realty
$39 is your annual cost (non refundable administrative fee, with annual automatic payment)-Valid for 365 days. 3rd parties cost Florida State license Fee, cost of post licensing or continuing educatio...
Welcome to Active Florida Realty | Active Florida Realty
We have received your request to transfer your Florida Real Estate license with our brokerage firm. As soon as your information is reviewed, we will transfer your License with Active Florida Realty LL...
Our Agents | Active Florida Realty
Finley Schellhase, Carolyn