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Acupuncture - Acucare Vancouver
Acupuncture is the insertion of “thread-like” needles along energy pathways in the body. Treatments are relaxing, effective, and painless thanks to modern technology. This modality of Traditional Chin...
Pricing - Acucare Vancouver
Experience the Acucare Difference! At Acucare, each treatment is a full-service healing experience. All Acupuncture services are located within Babor Beauty Spa Vancouver. It is located at 569 H...
Microneedling - Acucare Vancouver
Microneedling is a procedure that uses a device covered with tiny, shallow needles to cause a ‘micro-trauma’. Acucare at Vancouver Canada uses the highly advanced Innopen therapy.
TRAINING CEU's - Acucare Vancouver
Learn Facial Acupuncture and earn continuing education credits. This incredible seminar is taught throughout Canada by Julie Shillabeer, R.Ac.
Facial Renewal - Acucare Vancouver
Facial Renewal promotes greater levels of collagen and elastin production brought on by tissue stimulation and subsequent histamine release.
Bio - Acucare Vancouver
About AcuCare Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation. Introducing our Founder, Julie Shillabeer, R.Ac