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Basic Tutorial for Mediator Web Site Design
Would you like to boost your technical training? Book one of our InDesign training Chicago classes and get going. We also feature InDesign training as well as Dreamweaver trainin...
Dispute Resolution Classes -- Materials and Class Outlines
Note: This class uses substantial numbers and types of handouts that cover essential advanced topics beyond the textbook (about two hundred+ pages worth). While the class has ten weeks of handouts...
Useful ADR Sites on the WorldWideWeb
Everything from defining mediation, to guidelines for choosing a mediator. An international searchable directory with links to mediator's web pages.
Mediation: Explanation of Mediation
SCRIPT BEGINS HERE: Thank you for that introduction. On behalf of myself and the *NAME OF ORGANIZATION* I can say that I am glad to be with you today to talk about Mediation and ADR methods. I. DEF...
Motion to Refer to Mediation, Order and Attachments
Motion to Refer to Mediation, Order and Attachments [ MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT: Comes now ___________, moving for the appointment of an impartial third party Mediator per the attached proposed ord...
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am pleased to be able to recommend some very good books. I should note that each page will have one or two "counterpoint" books below the blue dividing line. These books are useful ...