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AEG Foundation
AEG Foundation It is with a heavy heart that we share that Duane Kreuger passed away on May 26. He was President of the AEG Foundation and an AEG Past President. He was a friend and mentor to many of ...
About - AEG Foundation
ABOUT US OUR VISION AEG Foundation plays a key role in the success of our profession. Established by three Past Presidents of the Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) in 1992, the AEG Foundatio...
Grant & Scholarships - AEG Foundation
SCHOLARSHIP & GRANTS About AEG Scholarships & Grants The AEG Foundation provides over 25 grants and scholarships each year to students and professionals, ranging from $500 to $5,000 each. We encourage...
Donate - AEG Foundation
WAYS TO DONATE Silent Auction 2023 – Supporting Marliave Scholarship Fund A yearly function coincides with the AEG Annual Meeting, where we solicit items for auctioning, set up the online auction, and...
Practitioners and Additional Funds - AEG Foundation
PRACTITIONERS & ADDITIONAL FUNDS About Practitioners & Additional Funds The AEG Foundation supports scholarship, grant, and practitioner programs through its Johnston Operations Fund and Greatest Nee...
Get Involved - AEG Foundation
GET INVOLVED HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED It doesn’t matter if you have 2 hours or 20, $5 or $5,000, there are many ways to get involved in the AEG Foundation including activities that help spread the wor...