AET – Accredited Education & Training – Assessment Tools
$275 per Assessment Tool – with unlimited use within your RTO!
Great quality, and well as value for money!
Courses Available
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mem-welding – AET
Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade
Due to the nature of this training package, many of our practical assessment tools require observation within a real or simulated workplace.
MEM M...
First Aid – AET
First Aid Assessment Tools
All AET First Aid Assessment Tools include comprehensive checklists for all observations, written in a way that they can be easily contextualised to a variety of industries...
SIT_Hospitality – AET
SIT Assessment Tools
Due to the nature of this training package, many of our practical assessment tools require observation within a real or simulated workplace.
SIT Commercial Cookery based assessme...
SITXWHS004 – Establish and maintain a work health and safety system – AET
SITXWHS004 – Establish and maintain a work health and safety system
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and sustain effect...
About – AET
A short history….
Our CEO, Brad Parker-Hill, has been working in or with RTO’s since the mid 1990’s. In 1999 he experienced the first Victorian User-Choice Funding cap which effectively stoped all gr...