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Swedish Prosecution Authority
24-08-2023 On Tuesday 5 September, the trial starts in the case where two representatives of the then named company Lundin Oil AB, have been indicted suspected of having been complicit in war crimes ...
Head Office
The Head Office of the Swedish Prosecution Authority is responsible for cases heard by the Supreme Court, for legal governance and for central international matters.
About us
Among some 1 500 employees within the Swedish Prosecution Authority, 1000 are prosecutors while the remainder work with various support functions.
2022 11-11-2022 Today the prosecutors Per Lindqvist and Mats Ljungqvist at the National Security Unit of the Swedish Prosecution Authority, have indicted two men for gross espionage on behalf of the ...
Press releases
Through press releases, the Swedish Prosecution Authority announce press conferences and provides information on a selection of cases.
2021 11-11-2021 Today, the prosecutor has decided to indict two representatives of the then named company Lundin Oil AB for complicity in grave war crimes in Sudan from 1999 to 2003. They are suspect...