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Akron MakerSpace
Akron Makerspace is non-profit makerspace that is open to the public. We host classes and events centered around crafting and building. We facilitate everything from crafting and sewing, to woodwork a...
University of Akron MakerStudio
We are the MakerStudio located at the University of Akron. Come see a few of the services we offer on campus, as well as explore examples of projects and research conducted using 3D printers and other...
Akron STEM High School Robotics
Akron Stem High School participates in VEX EDR Competition Robotics. Each match is 2 vs 2 and consists of a 15 second autonomous period, followed by a 1-minute 45-second driver controller period. St...
The University of Akron NASA Robotics Team
The UA NASA Robotics Team will be presenting Robots and a Science Experiment. In our STEM activity you will be able to assume the role of an Astronaut and a Mission Control Engineer. Come prepared to ...
Fun Science and Engineering Demonstrations
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Simple Jewelry Making Techniques with Courtney Cable
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