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Miles of Misadventures
Chicory's adventures on the great long trails of America
A new state of mind – Miles of Misadventures
The story of manic blazers to comfort ragers... After leaving Etna, Team GnarGnar entered the last section of California together. With a large crowd of hikers exiting town and easy rolling t...
Goodbye desert! – Miles of Misadventures
The desert is almost over, and so are our troubles! Not that we've had any, just a handful of hot days and a few rattlesnakes. But the glory of the Sierras is now looming in the distance, and the epic...
What running a 100 mile race and thruhiking have in common – Miles of Misadventures
Here's a link to an article I wrote for Appalachian Trials last December... I've started blogging for them occasionally. Enjoy! Also, if you have any ideas for blog posts you'd like to read, send them...
Pacific crest trail – Miles of Misadventures
Posts about Pacific crest trail written by trailin chicory
A journey of a thousand miles…so far! – Miles of Misadventures
From Bishop to Mammoth, the Sierras continued to be stunning. Not too much to report other than perfectly blue skies, crystal clear lakes, rocky climbs, and lots of deer and marmot sightings. It's bee...