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Alpine, Rockford - Kiwanis International
Alpine, Rockford Kiwanis International is a worldwide community of volunteers committed to one community at a time. Locally, We Are: Sponsoring K Kids, Key Clubs, and a Circle K club th...
Alpine, Rockford - Kiwanis International
Alpine, Rockford Grant requests will be accepted for the 2023-2024 Kiwanis Year Granting Cycle beginning in October 1, 2023. Charitable Grant Program Documents Any registered Not-for-Profit organiza...
Alpine, Rockford - Kiwanis International
Alpine, Rockford MORE THAN 500 CLUBS SERVING THEIR COMMUNITIES Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. Aktion Clubs draw members ...
Alpine, Rockford - Kiwanis International
Alpine, Rockford Kiwanis International is a worldwide community of volunteers committed to one community at a time. Sponsoring K Kids, Key Clubs, and a Circle K club that builds young leaders Pro...
Alpine, Rockford - Kiwanis International
Alpine, Rockford Projects Our club is involved in a variety of projects that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide. Below are the projects in which we a...
Alpine, Rockford - Kiwanis International
Alpine, Rockford Makes Kiwanis International Magazine