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VIN Legend
VIN Decoding Every aluminum body has a unique VIN which is determined by the charts below. In the first example VIN A42SB019 below, it is for a Hilux body made in 2009, 42nd week, .005" alumin...
Sand Scorcher
Sand Scorcher
F-350 Box-Art Build
Alright, enough building already, lets hit the trail! The test trail is not very extreme, the subject vehicle used for this build is a virtually stock F-350, which I don't have to tell you isn't...
F-350 Box-Art Build
In this build I am joining the cab and bed together. I will be simply gluing them together with E-6000, and placing some pieces of aluminum over parts of the joint to hold it securely. Extra pie...
Rover P5 'Basher'
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Toyota Hilux
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