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Services - Am_Smith_Electric
Services Electrical Consulting Electrical is a life safety specialty trade, when you have your own business to run and expand sometimes the details of working through the plans for your new buildi...
About Us - Am_Smith_Electric
About Us A.M. Smith Electric, inc. Welcome to A.M. Smith Electric, Inc. founded in 1977 and proud to be a woman owned company, we are an Electrical Contracting firm dedicated to superior quality a...
Projects - Am_Smith_Electric
Projects Projects A.M. Smith Electric, Inc. provides quality electrical service to commercial and industrial customers in Carson City, Reno, Minden, Gardnerville, Dayton & Lake Tahoe. • Design Bui...
Contact Us - Am_Smith_Electric
Contact Us 3370 EXECUTIVE POINTE WAY, CARSON CITY, NV 89706 NV License #0018293
GNCU - Am_Smith_Electric
Size: 6,716 SF For the GNCU project we installed new switch gear and panels, lighting, all electrical, underground conduit for future low voltage and fire alarm design. A.M. SMITH ELECTRIC, INC | ELEC...
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Retrofitting all exterior lighting to LED lamps A.M. SMITH ELECTRIC, INC | ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 3370 EXECUTIVE POINTE WAY, CARSON CITY, NV 89706 NV License #0018293