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Relationships – And Here We Are!!
“Friend Zoned” This statement is one so many just don’t want to be in. They feel so strongly about someone, think there is this connection, and chemistry. Only to discover this person they are romanti...
Feelings – And Here We Are!!
What do you believe? What can you believe? Ever find yourself challenged with this question when it comes to someone? Of course you are. Especially in the early stage of trying to figure out if they ...
Do you have a good relationship with yourself? – And Here We Are!!
Well do you? It all starts there. I read a great book about 15 years ago called “Social Gathering, in Pursuit of the Perfect Relationship” SG No it’s not about the Perfect Relatio…
LIFE – And Here We Are!!
As the old year came to an end, and the new year flows into traffic, how ya doing so far? Sometimes just when we think we are ok………yea we aren’t. Back into old habits, chasing something that doesn’t m...
Texts – And Here We Are!!
It’s really what our heart is telling us….what we want…. After being away from someone for some time, in hopes to get over them, they are still on your mind. When you drift off to sleep, when you wake...
In the moment….. – And Here We Are!!
When something amazing happens, we share… It’s human nature to do so. A friend shared with me their amazing moment….. When we work, what do we work for? Who do we work for? Why do…