Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Anders' weblog
Random things inspired by coding, naps and alpacas
Posts by Category - Anders’ weblog
Posts by Category 4 minute read I buy a lot of running shoes. Sometimes new models, now and then new brands, but most of the time I stick to the ones I know and trust. One such shoe is the .....
Posts by Tags - Anders’ weblog
Posts by Tags 4 minute read I buy a lot of running shoes. Sometimes new models, now and then new brands, but most of the time I stick to the ones I know and trust. One such shoe is the ... az...
Schedule an Azure Function using local time - Anders’ weblog
I have an Azure function that needs to run at 07:00 in the morning and 15:00 in the afternoon every day - Norwegian time.
Upgrade Azure Functions to .NET Core - Anders’ weblog
As of Visual Studio 2017 Preview 4, the Azure Functions tooling supports .NET Core by targeting .NET Standard. Whencreating a new project you can select “Azure Functions v2” to get .NET Standard suppo...
App idea: Strava API + affiliate programs - Anders’ weblog
I buy a lot of running shoes. Sometimes new models, now and then new brands, but most of the time I stick to the ones I know and trust. One such shoe is the Asics DS Trainer. A new model is released e...