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Genealogy Centre - Annapolis Heritage Society
The Research & Genealogy Centre of the Annapolis Heritage Society is located at the O’Dell House Museum. Its primary emphasis is on Annapolis Royal and the old townships which were...Read more >
Family Histories - Annapolis Heritage Society
The Annapolis Heritage Society Genealogy Centre has a large collection of published and unpublished genealogies for families in the Annapolis Royal region. Please contact AHS at annapolisheritage@gmai...
The History of the Annapolis Heritage Society - Annapolis Heritage Society
The Annapolis Heritage Society dates back to 1965 when a number of local residents organized under the name Historic Restoration Enterprises for the purpose of “leasing, purchasing, demolishing, build...
History of Annapolis Royal - Annapolis Heritage Society
The Mi’kmaq Long before the arrival of the Europeans, this geography held special meaning for the Mi’kmaq, the aboriginal people who had occupied most of Canada’s Maritime provinces for thousands...Re...
Census Records - Annapolis Heritage Society
Prior to Confederation in 1867, census records listed heads of households, number and sex of family members and occupation of the head of household. AHS holds typescript copies of the...Read more >
Community History - Annapolis Heritage Society
Annapolis Royal is the oldest permanent European settlement in North America north of Florida. First called Port Royal by Samuel de Champlain, it was the administrative and military centre of...Read m...