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Antimicrobials in Society – Fresh approaches to the study of antimicrobials in society
Addressing antibiotic use Antibiotic Use around the World ...
About – Antimicrobials in Society
About Antimicrobials in Society (AMIS) Hub We aim to demonstrate the rich social-material worlds that antimicrobials inhabit and travel within, and in doing so offer policy-makers, scientists, and fun...
AMIS Final Report – Antimicrobials in Society
The AMIS programme began with the premise that as a potentially catastrophic global problem caused by the actions of humans, addressing antimicrobial resistance requires strong social research. Our ...
Antimicrobial Use Tracker – Antimicrobials in Society
Antimicrobial Use Tracker The aim of this tracker is to provide an evidence-base for analysis of global and local trends, including comparisons across countries, locations, and human and animal sector...
AMR Symposium: Presentation Videos – Antimicrobials in Society
In September 2018 the AMIS Programme hosted a symposium to highlight the work of early career scholars that are exploring fresh perspectives on the topic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Presentatio...
Commentary – Antimicrobials in Society
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