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Antique Outboard Motor Club,Inc
Large swap, trade and sell outdoor area with in door restrooms. Bring your old motors, parts and marine items. Small donation for use of the legion and lunch. American legion …Read More Yellow Jacket ...
About The Club – Antique Outboard Motor Club,Inc
Our History Outboard motors have been manufactured for over 100 years. Therefore, it is no surprise that a number of people should become interested in collecting antique outboards. The interest becam...
Resources – Antique Outboard Motor Club,Inc
Resources This area of AOMCI is the Resource Section to view what is here hover over the down arrow to the right of Resources then select the different areas to view.
Member Benefits – Antique Outboard Motor Club,Inc
The Quarterly Antique Outboarder magazine Full access to the AOMCI website American Outboard discount The Ships Store with Discounted Prices The 10 Best Reasons to Join AOMCI By Tom Oncken, Texas Chap...
Antique Outboard Motor Club,Inc
Got an old outboard and not sure where to start, why not "Ask a Member" of the AOMCI. The Ask a Member forum is a free, open technical forum for the public to tap the knowledge of the AOMCI. We are ...
Active Chapters – Antique Outboard Motor Club,Inc
Active Chapters Please refer to the following chapters serving the areas for many miles surrounding their home bases, listed below. When you join, you’ll be sent the most up-to-date directory of chapt...