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With discount ranging from 5% to 30% on selected properties. Complete description of the properties is available at the Asset Management Department at Rm. 211, 2nd F...
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With occupants The Title / Tax Declaration (TD) covering the property is still in the name of the previous owner and the buyer shall undertake all activities in order to cause the transfer of the TD/...
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Asset Management Department, Room No. 211, 2nd Floor, Five-Storey Bldg. 5306-3417, 5306-2915, 5306-2196, 5306-3422 Terms and Conditions Complete description of the properties is av...
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With Occupants The Title / Tax Declaration (TD) covering the property is still in the name of the previous owner and the buyer shall undertake all activities in order to cause the transfer of the TD/...
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Disclosures The Title / Tax Declaration (TD) covering the property is still in the name of the previous owner and the buyer shall undertake all activities in order to cause the transfer of the TD/tit...
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