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Rare Aquarium Fish
Rare Aquarium Fish 1) Red Sea Max – This range comes in a number of sizes from 130 litres to 500 L It’s important that you decide where the tank’s to be situated before you set it up as once it’s been...
Perciformes: Channidae – Rare Aquarium Fish
Vietnamese Figure 1. Channa hoaluensis, holotype, RIA1 #: NB.10.05.001, 214 mm SL, lateral view, caught 2010-05-13, preserved, Red River basin, Yunnan Province, China. Etymology: The generic name der...
Beaufortia kweichowensis – Rare Aquarium Fish
Distribution Native to the Xi Jiang (West River) system in southern China, the major tributary of the great Zhu Jiang (Pearl River). Type locality is ‘San-ho Hsien, Kweichow, China, elevation 650 fee...
Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae – Rare Aquarium Fish
Mandarin Figure 1. Schistura callichromus, mature fish, lateral view, caught 2009-12-31, not preserved, EW-CN 66-09, Mengyejiang River, Red River basin, Puer County, Yunnan Province, China. Etymology:...
Erethistidae – Rare Aquarium Fish
Pseudolaguvia————————Pseudolaguvia *In late October 2006 Ichthyologists Alfred W Thompson & Lawrence M Page of the Florida Museum of Natural History; Gainesville. USA. Published a paper on the Genera ...
A guide to breeding tropical fishes – Rare Aquarium Fish
This section deals with the spawning tropical freshwater fish other than Asian catfishes. As someone who over many years has had some success in spawning many species of tropical fish, I always get a ...