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Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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Popular pages
Training and Trainees -
: Your passport to heritage skills
Downloads and Videos -
We are currently creating a list of downloadble resources and videos for you to practice your skills
Site Photography -
Many of us use Digital Cameras in place of 35mm and are expected to be able to use them on sites, relying on the automatic setting to get the photograph we need.
Core Skills -
Site Grid and Trench Layout[1] Appreciates concept of site/national grid systems and placement of trenches within this. Can use long-tapes to lay out trenches. Read more >>[2] Dumpy Level and Staff[3]...
Guidelines for Assessors using the Skills Passport. -
The Archaeological Skills Passport is a means of documenting the practical training that students and volunteers receive either during the course of an undergraduate degree or any archaeological field...
Secondary Skills -
only if appropriate)