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Popular pages
Baby Milk Action
""Baby Milk Action is incredibly effective for a small organisation and needs all the help it can get for its work to continue... Can you make a donation right now, even if just £1.00? A small amoun...
Baby Milk Action Resources Centre
An index of resources available on the Baby Milk Action web site - including past newsletters, press releases and briefing papers.
History of the campaign
The history of the campaign to protect infant health through the protection and support of breastfeeding and appropriate infant feeding.
The International Code
The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes The Member States of the World Health Organisation: Affirming the right of every child and every pregnant and lactating woman to be adequa...
Baby Milk Action CEM Index
Take action to stop these violations of the International Code. The people responsible have names and addresses - call on them to market their products ethically.
Introducing the International Code
Key points: promote their products in hospitals, shops or to the general public give free samples to mothers or free or subsidised supplies to hospitals or maternity wards give gifts to health workers...