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Made By: Martina Lindqvist | The Finnish Institute in London
MADE BY is the Institute’s series of interviews that allows artists, designers, thinkers and doers to unfold their creative process in their own words. (photo: Martina Lindqvist)
REPORTS | The Finnish Institute in London
The Finnish Institute in London is a London-based private trust. Its mission is to identify issues emerging in contemporary society and to facilitate social change.
About Us | The Finnish Institute in London
About Us The Finnish Institute in London is a private, non-profit trust bringing together individuals, communities and organisations. Our mission is to identify emerging issues important to contempora...
Publications | The Finnish Institute in London
PUBLICATIONS The Institute produces reports, working papers and publications about its main focus areas. All the publications and reports are available for free download in pdf format or e-version. W...
Open data | The Finnish Institute in London
Veikko Kähkönen: OKFestival Post-industrialised societies have recently taken a form in which many key infrastructures are increasingly based on digital data and where the friction in creating and dis...
Open Data | The Finnish Institute in London
In the open data project we aim to develop comprehensive understanding on the timely issue of data transparency and its implications on contemporary society. We are particularly interested in how open...