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February 3, 2017 2:03 am
Free Guides | ACWR
This Records Management Plan is considered a guide. Each congregations’ archival depository is unique and reflects the charism of their particular order. Some: undeCongregations feel strongly about ho...
ACWR Strategic Plan 2021-2023 | ACWR
1. Strategic Priority (Aligns with Vision Statement 2)
Address the threats to the historical records of women religious resulting from community closures, mergers, and changing demographics.
Engage wi...
Triennial | ACWR
Triennial gatherings
ince 1989, ACWR has been meeting either at Society of American Archivists annual conference, at the Triennial Conference hosted in-person all over the country or virtually. In 202...
ACWR Tutorials | ACWR
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Transitioning Archives | ACWR
Whether a congregation is at the beginning of its journey, in mid-life, or coming to fulfillment, its Archives is the heart and soul of the congregation’s memory. A congregation’s Archive...