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Arechavala-Gomeza Lab - Neuromuscular Disorders @ Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute
Neuromuscular Disorders @ Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute
Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza - Arechavala-Gomeza Lab
Dr Arechavala-Gomeza (@VArechavala) studied Pharmacy in the University of the Basque Country, Spain, and an MSc in Immunopharmacology at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. During her ...
Who are We? - Arechavala-Gomeza Lab
Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza (Group Leader) Patricia Soblechero Martín (Postgraduate Researcher) Edurne Albiasu Arteta (Research Technician) Past members of the team.
Research lines - Arechavala-Gomeza Lab
We work jointly with several international networks of researchers, clinicians, patients and industry that collaborate to find new treatments for neuromuscular disorders. Our group works in the optimi...
Patricia Soblechero Martín - Arechavala-Gomeza Lab
Patricia Soblechero Martín joined the Neuromuscular Disorders Group at Biocruces in July 2017 as a predoctoral researcher. She is particularly interested in the evaluation of new therapies through dys...
Publications - Arechavala-Gomeza Lab Click in the links for access to the pdfs. “Experimental Model Systems Used in the Preclinical Development of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics” Haiy...