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Armed America: Introduction
KYLE CASSIDY Has been a freelance writer and photographer since 1999. His photographs have been published in the New York Times, Baaron's Financial, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. He write...
Armed America: Introduction
INTRODUCTION The question of gun ownership in America is a fractious one. Even the number of guns in the country is in significant debate. The National Rifle Association (NRA), the country's larg...
back home next Joe: "The first time I was introduced to guns was when I was 5 years old; hunting with my dad, grandfather and uncle. I remember my dad shooting a ringneck pheasant and a rab...
back home next Fleming: I was born and raised 12 miles down the road from where Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were ambushed and killed -- this was in 1935. As a result of that incident,...
Portia and Anthony
back home next Portia: I learned to shoot a gun when I was 10 or 11. My mother had a boyfriend who was a San Luis Obispo County Sherrif, and he lived in a teepee with a "wolf dog". We'd s...
Aaron and Brittny
back home next Aaron: My parents taught me to shoot, growing up in Utah. I got a gun here because we live in kind of a rough neighborhood and I take the subway home from work. I figured that s...