Multidisciplinary Design Studio | Graphic Design Firm | Art. Lebedev Studio
Art. Lebedev Studio is a global multidisciplinary design company. We bring a deep tech approach to design for advertising, apps, architecture, books, cities, environments, fonts, graphics, identities,...
Alfa Bank Express website
Alfa Bank Express website
<!a href=http://www.alfabank-express.com/>[The work is in the museum]
Alfa Bank Express is Alfa Banks new retail business thats targeted at private customers and small bus...
Moscow, Art. Lebedev Studio Big Café in photos of the day
Russia, Moscow, Art. Lebedev Studio Big Café
Tatyana Selivanova—Fort Wine vice head of the education department—introducing the new wines now sold and enjoyed at the studio’s Big Café to the place’s...
23 rubles
Quite an interesting task, why don’t we give it a try?
Stage 1: defining the concept of the illustration.
After a couple of sketches I decided to draw a macro shot of the coin.
First we need to study ...
Request a design...
Yandex screensaver
Yandex screensaver
yandex-dreams.app.zip (Zip-archived installer for Mac OS, 5.31 MB)
Screensaver emulator (Flash, 130 MB)
Release date: September 15 2008
511 Avenue of the Americas, ...