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As I See It
A biweekly column on Hong Kong by Jason Y. Ng
As I See It
As I See It Search This past Saturday marked my 10th anniversary in Hong Kong . To be precise, it was the 10th anniversary of my repatriation to Hong Kong. I left the city in my teens as part ...
From Street to Chic, Hong Kong’s many-colored food scene 由大排檔到高檔: 香港的多元飲食文化
Known around the world as a foodie’s paradise, Hong Kong has a bounty of restaurants to satisfy every craving. Whether you are hungry for a...
As I See It
As I See It Search Hong Kong Born in Hong Kong, Jason is a globe-trotter who spent his entire adult life in Europe and various cities in the United States and Canada before settling back in his birt...
The City that Doesn’t Read 不看書的城市
The Hong Kong Book Fair is the city’s biggest literary event, drawing millions of visitors every July. The operative word in the preceding...
As I See It
As I See It Search The Court of Final Appeal, the city’s highest court, handed down an unpopular judgment two weeks ago. Five justices unanimously ruled that the government’s seven-year residency r...