Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
xat Assistance – Official updates for the Assistance chatroom, including new staff and rules
Based off recent events, I’ve decided to make a blog post to clarify our policy on handling accusations in the chat. We are a help chat, meaning that our mission is to help users with their xat relate...
Resources – xat Assistance
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Troubleshooting – xat Assistance
Troubleshooting Below are common xat problems and how to solve them. If you are interested in becoming an Assistance staff member, familiarize yourself with this guide. Locked Out Cause Users will be ...
Welcome! – xat Assistance
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Earning Ranks – xat Assistance
Earning Ranks Users on Assistance don’t pay for ranks or win contests. They earn it by working hard and showing loyalty and dedication towards the chat. How to Become a Staff Member You must comply wi...
Translate – xat Assistance
Our rules page is currently available in fifteen languages. Our goal is to expand the number of supported languages as much as we can. Your help makes difference. Help us translating! FOR WIKI TRANSL...