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J-P Metsavainio | All of my color photos BUY PRINTS
Images are in two palettes. The yellow/Blue images are in HST-palette (colors are organized by order of the elements.) More or less Red images are in "natural colors" (colors are organized by a visual...
J-P Metsavainio | Some of my best shots BUY PRINTS
Just few of my favorite images. Please, use a full screen and click the image, to see them as large as possible!
J-P Metsavainio | Equipments
More information about my imaging system can be found from my Blog:
J-P Metsavainio | Volumetric 3D images BUY PRINTS
Stereo images works very well as a Printed copys! You can buy Photographic prints from Images in any 3D-gallery. Smaller sizes are suitable for the Parallel and Cross vision images, due the viewing ...
J-P Metsavainio | Stereo Pairs, Parallel Vision
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. PARALLEL VISION ISTRUCTIONS: In parallel freeviewing the image for the left eye is on th...
J-P Metsavainio | Artworks based on my astrophotos, BUY PRINTS
Vision artworks are created from my original astronomical images by using an overlapping lightning method in digital processing. All the elements at them are from real astronomical images shot by m...