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Aurora Forecast Iceland | Your Guide to the Northern Lights
Unleash your full potentional of spotting the Northern Lights in Iceland with our powerful yet easy to use tools and tips, for free.
Long Term Aurora Outlook | Aurora Forecast
The following table shows magnetic disturbances, caused by the solar wind, as measured at the Leirvogur Magnetic Observatory. Each dot represents the K-index on a particular day. The bigger the dot, t...
Aurora Oval | Aurora Forecast
The aurora oval, also known as the aurora belt, is a doughnut-shaped ring around the Arctic and the Antarctic. When the Kp-index is high, the aurora oval often moves southward. “The OVATION Aurora Fo...
Kp-index | Aurora Forecast
The Kp-index describes the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field caused by the solar wind. The faster the solar wind blows, the greater the turbulence. The index ranges from 0, for low activity, ...
Solar Wind | Aurora Forecast
The solar wind is a stream of charged particles, mostly electrons and protons, flowing from the Sun. The faster the solar wind is moving, the likelier you are to see an intense northern lights display...
New Features for your Northern Lights Forecast! | Aurora Forecast
New Features for your Northern Lights Forecast! Satellite Thermal Images are unbelievably helpful as they can often tell you exactly where to go.