Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Getting started | Internet-Draft Author Resources
The basic steps in authoring an Internet-Draft (I-D) are as follows: Choose a format and toolchain Includes a checklist for those who want to make a quick choice[1] Download a template and editing th...
Required content | Internet-Draft Author Resources
Every Internet-Draft must have an abstract. The abstract should provide a concise and comprehensive overview of the purpose and contents of the entire document. Its purpose is to give a technically kn...
Content guidelines overview | Internet-Draft Author Resources
The section covers the naming and content of Internet-Drafts (I-Ds) including the required and recommended sections. There are lots of rules governing the content, developed over many years in order,...
Language and style | Internet-Draft Author Resources
¶ Style guide The recommended style for Internet-Drafts is documented in a collection of documents that are together known as the RFC Editor's Style Guide. Abbreviations should generally be expanded i...
Submitting your Internet-Draft | Internet-Draft Author Resources
¶ Submission tool Internet-Draft submissions are made using the IETF Datatracker's submission tool. You do not need to be logged in to Datatracker to submit an I-D but it is recommended and it will si...
Choosing a format and tools | Internet-Draft Author Resources
¶ Making the right choice The IETF does not provide an authoring toolchain and does not recommend a specific authoring format. You will need to choose what works best for you. Writing Internet-Drafts ...