—Ayn Rand Lexicon
The Ayn Rand Lexicon: This mini-encyclopedia of Objectivism is
compiled from Ayn Rand’s statements on some 400 topics in philosophy,
economics, psychology and history.
—Ayn Rand Lexicon
The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z
Ayn Rand’s writing spans a vast
array of topics, theoretical and practical: from the nature of reality, to
the factual basis of morality, to the nature o...
—Ayn Rand Lexicon
Excerpts from
The Ominous Parallels, by Leonard Peikoff.
Copyright © 1982 by Leonard Peikoff. Reprinted with permission of
Stein and Day Publishers. Excerpts from
The Romantic Mani...
—Ayn Rand Lexicon
visually. Observe that the visual form he gives
them is reduced to those
essentials which distinguish the particular kind of
entities from all others—for instance, the universal type of a child’s dra...
—Ayn Rand Lexicon
Philosophy studies the
fundamental nature of existence, of man, and of man’s
relationship to existence. As against the special sciences, which deal only
with particular aspects, philosophy deals with...
—Ayn Rand Lexicon
Grammar is a science dealing with the formulation of the proper methods of
verbal expression and communication, i.e., the methods of organizing words
(concepts) into sentences. Grammar pertain...