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Home - Amber Fillerup Clark
Follow along as Amber Fillerup Clark shares her lifestyle essentials, style inspiration, beauty recommendations, hair tutorials, and travel tips.
April 2012 - Page 4 of 9 - Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup Clark
4 years ago by amber Had the best weekend ever with all of my favorite people in Vegas. I normally don’t like Vegas because it just reminds me how awful this world is becoming but since it was in th...
Frosted Flakes On Fire - Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup Clark
^^Atticus always steals my popscicles! He literally cries when I take it away haha!^^Some friends introduced us to Popbar and we had been craving it since!^^I am at the awkward… issss she pregnant? or...
Yosi Samra – Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup Clark
My girl Jessica and I started shooting together a while ago and became instant friends and she was so sweet to take our maternity photos that will always be so so special to me! So I had to share the...
Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup Clark - Page 29 of 1024 -
I am truly in love with fresh flowers, and lots of them. Clearly. All the little corner stores have been selling flowers SO cheap – roses are 2 dozen for $9 by our place! Granted they arent the highes...
Hair Archives - Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup Clark
How tall are you? What colors do you use in your hair? I ALWAYS break my base with a 7N and then use bleach with 30 volume developer for the highlights! For every two highlights I pull one lowlight th...