Food safety training | barfblog
I included this abstract because it was one of the two papers today that cited papers my lab and I produced, all those years ago. Google scholar alerts is wonderful, and tells me when one of the 70 or...
About Us | barfblog
barfblog.com is where Drs. Powell and Chapman and assorted food safety friends offer evidence-based opinions on current food safety issues. Opinions must be evidence-based – with references &…
Barfblog | barfblog
In 2000, my lab was awarded slightly more than $1 million Canadian as part of a vitamin litigation settlement. I added some staff, merged with the existing food safety hotline and offered it nationall...
More food safety culture | barfblog
Outbreaks of foodborne diseases are recurrent events, which regularly cost human lives. In modern view, food safety goes beyond food safety management systems; and this means that food safety cultu…
Salmonella | barfblog
keeping backyard chickens was already on the rise, and the hobby has become even more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, a University of Georgia researcher cautions that the practice has risks...
I need work: barfblog route | barfblog
In 2000, my lab was awarded slightly more than $1 million Canadian as part of a vitamin litigation settlement. I added some staff, merged with the existing food safety hotline and offered it nation…