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Book Online | BayWash
Book a time online so you can sit back and relax or drop off your vehicle for a professional Valet Detailing Service.
Sedan | baywash
- Platinum Touch Free Wash or Extreme Buff & Shine Wash - Hand-polish Slipstream Paint Protection - Wheel Bling - Tyre Shine with Slipstream - Vacuum (surcharge for pet hair, grass or sand) - Air C...
Small Car | baywash
- Platinum Touch Free Wash or Extreme Buff and Shine Wash - Hand Polish with Slipstream Paint Protection - Wheel Bling with Slipstream & tyre shine - Door Jambs & frames wiped - Air Compression - V...
4WD & AWD | baywash
- Platinum Touch Free Wash or Extreme Buff & Shine Wash - Hand Polish with Slipstream Paint Protection - Wheel Bling with Slipstream & tyre shine - Vacuum (surcharge for pet hair, grass or sand) - Ai...
4WD & AWD | baywash
- Delux Valet Service PLUS - Exterior Hydro Ceramic Hand Polish - Leather Conditioner or Air Con Anti-Bacterial Treatment
Small Car | baywash
- Extreme Buff & Shine or Touchless Wash - Handpolish with Slipstream Paint Protection - Wheelbling with Slipstream & tyre shine - Door Jambs & frames - Air Compression - Vacuum (surcharg...