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Home | Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
Newly Diagnosed? Were you or a family member just diagnosed with a bleeding disorder? We can help! We can provide information on bleeding disorders, medical services, Hemophilia treatment centers and ...
Bleeding Disorders 101 — Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
Clotting When a person bleeds, the blood clots to stop the bleed. The clotting process, also called coagulation, changes blood from a liquid to a solid state. It takes both blood cells (called plate...
Scholarships — Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
Bradley Krueger Scholarship We are proud to announce that we are now accepting submissions for the 2022 Bradley Krueger Memorial Scholarship. Brad’s family started this fund to help other people with...
Meet Our Board — Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
Sammie Valadez, president I am a member of the inherited bleeding disorder community. I was diagnosed with VWD at age 40, and I have one daughter with Factor VII and VWD and an...
What We Do — Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
What We Do Since 1949, BDAI has served as a leader of the bleeding community. Whether through financial assistance, education, events, or advocacy, BDAI strives to support to the bleeding communities...
vWD Awareness — Bleeding Disorders Alliance Illinois
vWD Awareness von Willebrand Disease is a common disorder occurring in 1% of the US population. It often goes under diagnosed and untreated though because symptoms can be mild or seem like the ‘normal...